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BHKC08: Cardigans and Sweaters (12"- 22")
BHKC47: Matinee Coat, Bootees and Bonnet (10"- 18")
JB008: Helmet, Bonnets, Mittens and Bootees (12"- 22")
JB015: Cardigans, Hat and Scarf (12"- 22")
JB016: Boleros, Hat and Mittens (12"- 22")
JB198: Jackets (12"- 20")
JB199: Cardigans (12"- 20")
JB201: Cardigan & Sweater (12"- 20")
JB252: Cardigans (14"- 22")
JB253: Waistcoat and Slipovers (14"- 22")
JB254: Cardigan and Waistcoat (14"- 22")
JB255: Cardigan and Sweater (14"- 22")
PG675: Baby's Shawl, Coat and Bootees (14"- 20")
PG7113: Doll Outfits (Height 12"- 22")
PG7160: Doll Outfits (Height 12"- 22")
PG7201: Matinee Jacket, Bonnet, Bootees & Shawl (12"- 20")
PG7207: Doll Outfits (Height 12"- 22")
UKHKA03: Sweater and Cardigan (12"- 22")
UKHKA137: Cardigans and Hat (12"- 20")
UKHKA18: Matinee Coat and Helmet (12"- 20")