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JB048: Cardigan (22"- 32")
JB085: Cardigan (20"- 30")
JB088: Hooded Waistcoat (20"- 30")
JB152: Sweater (20"- 30")
JB175: Dressing Gown (18"- 28")
JB192: Jacket, Sweater and Hat (20"- 30")
JB194: Sweater (20"- 30")
JB196: Cat Striped Scarf Hat and Bear Helmet (1 - 12yrs)
JB200: All in One Suit (24"- 32")
JB238: Penguin & Dog Hat (1-12 Years)
JB342: Cardigan and Hat (20"- 28")
PG0644: Jackets (22"- 28")
PG0699: Sweaters and Jackets (20"- 30")
PG0721: Jackets (20"- 26")
PG7107: Childrens Hats and Mits (2 -12 yrs)
PG7161: Jackets (20"- 26")
PG7192: Sweater and Jackets (20"- 30")
PG7193: Cardigans, Slipover and Waistcoat (16"- 26")
PG7201: Matinee Jacket, Bonnet, Bootees & Shawl (12"- 20")
PG7213: Cardigans and Helmet (16"- 24")